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【佛光文化】星云说喻 中英对照版 (2) Bodhi Light Tales : Volume 2(附QR Code线上音档)【星云大师】【台湾书籍】【现货速发】

【佛光文化】星云说喻 中英对照版 (2) Bodhi Light Tales : Volume 2(附QR Code线上音档)【星云大师】【台湾书籍】【现货速发】

★中英对照 全彩图文 故事随身听 亲子教育最佳教材


星云大师着《星云说喻 中英对照版》一共六册,让读者透过阅读生动有趣的故事,探索并领悟佛陀深奥的教法和人间佛教理念。故事围绕着佛教的「六度波罗蜜」开展,也就是菩萨道的「六度」精神:布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定和般若。每篇故事以一则智慧法语作为总结,引导读者省思个中寓意。这些故事如同一面明镜,带着我们检视生活,思维如何将


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作者: 星云大师
原文作者: Venerable Master Hsing Yun
规格:精装 / 180页 / 21 x 29.7 x 1.6 cm / 普通级 / 全彩印刷 / 初版

★中英对照 全彩图文 故事随身听 亲子教育最佳教材


星云大师着《星云说喻 中英对照版》一共六册,让读者透过阅读生动有趣的故事,探索并领悟佛陀深奥的教法和人间佛教理念。故事围绕着佛教的「六度波罗蜜」开展,也就是菩萨道的「六度」精神:布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定和般若。每篇故事以一则智慧法语作为总结,引导读者省思个中寓意。这些故事如同一面明镜,带着我们检视生活,思维如何将那永恒不朽的佛法应用在生活。


期许《星云说喻 中英对照版》能带领读者探索故事中无穷的慈悲、智慧与布施精神,照亮生命的道路。

Since our earliest days, stories have been faithful companions, guiding us through life's journey. The power of a good story lies in its ability to touch our hearts, inspiring us to grow and bring positive change to ourselves and the world around us. Stories shape our perspective, and in turn, our perspective shapes who we become.

Introducing Bodhi Light Tales by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, a monumental 6-volume set available in both English and Chinese. This enchanting collection invites readers to explore the profound teachings of the Buddha and the principles of Humanistic Buddhism. Stories centered around the Six Paramitas, also known as the Six Perfections: Generosity, Precept, Patience, Diligence, Meditative Concentration, and Wisdom. Each tale in this collection is accompanied by words of wisdom, offering profound insights that encourage reflection upon the moral lessons conveyed. These stories provide a mirror through which we can examine our own lives and contemplate how these timeless teachings can be applied to our daily existence.

In this second volume, you will immerse yourself in the realm of Precept through a treasury of 15 short stories. Designed to captivate readers of all ages, this book also includes vocabulary lists to assist bilingual readers in fully understanding the essence of each tale.

May Bodhi Light Tales illuminate your path as you explore the boundless possibilities of compassion, understanding, and generosity.

★中英对照 全彩图文 故事随身听 亲子教育最佳教材

Bodhi Light Tales:Volume 2
Biography of Venerable Master Hsing Yun 星云大师简介
Editor’s Introduction 编者序
How to Use This Book 如何使用本书

01. Keep It Secret 不可告诉别人
02. Dirty Basin 洗脚的木盆
03. Follow the Rules 游戏规则
04. Mind Your Own Business 谁之过?
05. Puffin the Cat 偷吃的猫
06. Choices for Life 犯戒救人
07. Filthy 谁比较脏?
08. No Lies 不说假话
09. Discipline 受杖自责
10. Two Wives 一妻一妾
11. Sandalwood 卖檀香
12. Candy Craving 老人抓糖
13. The Human-Faced Ulcer 人面疮的故事
14. A Lie Becomes A Truth 谎言变真理
15. This Little Piggy 十一头小猪


《星云说喻 中英对照版》,是一套引人入胜的六册选集,收编了九十五篇由敬爱的星云大师讲说,以六度波罗蜜为主题的故事。这些故事最初收录在《星云说喻》,大师喜欢在演讲中穿插生动有趣的故事,以传递人间佛教思想与实践的精髓。

2019年,我们首次将《星云说喻》的内容翻译成有声故事书,并于 Anchor 播客平台推出「菩提心灯」系列故事 (Bodhi Light Tales Podcast)。这些年,我们一直期待着将这些故事结集成册,如今因缘条件具足,并以中英双语图书的形式呈现。为了让来自各年龄层、宗教、信仰,以及文化的读者皆能与故事产生共鸣,我们在精简扼要的原文基础上发挥想像, 增添了一些原文故事没有的情节。也就是说,这套故事书中的英文故事是经过编译的创作,非中文的直译对照。编译的几项原则要点说明如下:


第二,根据语言差异做调整。举例来说,其中一则故事为了彰显信息误导的可怕,而使用了相同字尾的构词手法。在中文的情节里, 最初说的是一架飞机,随后被传成了十一架飞机,到最后演变成了九十一架飞机。而在英文版本中,我们将数字修改为九(nine) 架飞机、十九(nineteen)架飞机、九十(ninety)架飞机,以保留与中文相同的特色和效果,让英语读者能够充分地理解故事的含意。


故事结束,为每篇故事搭配一则精选「星云法语」,作为总结故事核心寓意的智慧锦囊。 「星云法语」原是大师依据自己的人生经历写下的鼓励和箴言,期望借此带给大家正念,在人生迷茫处作一盏指引方向的明灯。


Bodhi Light Tales is a captivating 6-volume collection of stories focused on the Six Paramitas, narrated by the revered Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Originally published in Chinese as Xingyun shuoyu (星云说喻), these Buddhist Tales by Venerable Master Hsing Yun emerged from his enlightening talks and lectures on Humanistic Buddhism. In 2019, we took the initiative to adapt these stories into English as an ongoing audiobook series for the Bodhi Light Tales Anchor Podcast channel. However, our ultimate vision has always been to present them in a book format. As the original stories were concise and lacked additional details, the English adaptations were intentionally modified from the Chinese. In essence, the English tales are not direct translations of their original Chinese counterparts. To ensure that readers of all ages, faiths, beliefs , and cultures can connect with these stories, we employed several key approaches during the transition from Chinese to English, which we will elaborate on below.

To make the main characters more relatable, we added background information such as their names, occupations, and personalities. Thorough research was conducted to maintain historical and factual accuracy. We hope this additional information will help readers delve deeper into their favorite characters and even encourage further exploration.

Additionally, we made certain adaptations to accommodate language differences. For instance, in one of the stories, one single plane mentioned at first transformed into eleven planes, and in the end, ninety-one planes. In the English version, we changed it to nine planes as mentioned initially, later becoming nineteen planes, and finally, ninety planes. These modifications were implemented to preserve the example of homophones originally featured, ensuring comprehension for English readers.

Each tale concludes with a summary of its morals, providing readers with a clear understanding of the story’s meaning and key lessons. These summaries highlight challenges people face in today’s world and offer practical applications for daily life.

Additionally, we included Dharma Words from Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the end of each story, offering readers a final nugget of wisdom to take away. These quotes were carefully selected based on their relevance to the moral of each story. Venerable Master Hsing Yun originally shared these words of encouragement and advice based on his life experiences, aiming to inspire mindfulness and guide individuals in times of uncertainty.

Remember, Buddha-nature resides within all of us, regardless of whether we practice Buddhism or not. Both children and adults have the power to better themselves and positively impact the world around them. Our sincere hope is that these stories will inspire people of all ages, instilling in them a sense of inspiration, courage, and compassion. May this collection serve as a source of inspiration as you navigate through life's journey toward self-awakening!


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